Adult control

Mapa amb els punts de control

Like any public service, an effective control of our actions is required, on the one hand to capture the degree of control that is obtained over the various problems present in the territory and on the other hand, and above all taking into account that what is It is about mosquitoes, and where people's particular appreciation of them is very uneven, very clear reference values ​​must be had. Our service has established 13 adult checkpoints, chosen as representative of the various areas as well as the various problems present. We have them in towns, urbanized areas and coastal natural areas. Its weekly periodicity varies depending on the degree of conflict in the area or its periphery. In total, 23 adult captures are established per week, which are made from May to the end of October.

Captura d'un adult sobre humà

The captures are made on humans by means of a manual captor, during a period of half an hour at the time of maximum possible activity, which is at sunset.

Capturador manual

An adult control sheet is completed where several variables that are of great interest are noted and the captured sample is taken to the laboratory where both the number and type of mosquito captured will be analyzed.

The data obtained will be included in the general database and will be the object of inter-annual study, thus establishing flight curves of generalist species, such as Anopheles atroparvus or moments of strong larval development of the more specific species.