CODE is the technical management body for the Consortiums of the Montsià and Cardó el Boix and Tossal de Montagut natural spaces. The functions and objectives are of preservation, revaluation and integral management of the spaces of natural interest as well as their areas of influence.
Special plan for the protection of the natural environment and the landscape of the Sierra de Montsià (1996) DAAM
Structure and territorial context of dry stone in the Baix Ebre region (2004)
Catalog of singular and monumental olive trees in Terres de l'Ebre (2005)
Inventory of dry stone constructions in the Montsià region (2005)
Connectivity study of the natural spaces of the Montsià region (2006)
Action plan for the conservation of biodiversity in the Montsià region (2009)
Constitution of the consortium for the management and protection of the natural spaces of the Montsià region (2010)
Constitution of the consortium of Cardó el Boix and el Tossal de Montagut (2010)
Research and outreach
DUCH, J; FERRÉ, C. "Estudi dels canvis en l'espai rural de la comarca del Baix Ebre". ACOM, 2007.
FERRÉ, C.; MALDONADO, J. "Formes i Geometries del paisatge. Els lligallos". A: LLOP, CARLES et al. Visions del paisatge de les Terres de l'Ebre. Benicarló: Onada edicions, 2008.
LLOP, CARLES, Pòster "Paisatge rural associat a les construccions de pedra en sec a la comarca del Baix Ebre" A: Paisatges en transformació: Intervenció i gestió paisatgístiques. Diputació de Barcelona, 2009
ARAGONÈS, J; FERRÉ, C. "Estructura i funcions del paisatge de la pedra en sec". A: La pedra en sec a les comarques del Baix Ebre i del Montsià. Benicarló: Onada edicions [en premsa]
Consortium for the Management and Protection of Montsià Natural Areas
Consortium for the Protection and Management of Areas of Natural Interest Sierra de Cardó-el Boix and El Tossal de Montagut
Functions and objectives
The object and purpose of the Consortium is the preservation, revaluation and comprehensive management of areas of natural interest in the Cardó, Boix and Tossal de Montagut mountains.
For this purpose, the objectives will be oriented along seven main axes:
- Preservation, restoration and improvement of the natural and cultural heritage of the Sierra de Cardó-el Boix and El Tossal de Montagut.
- Drafting of a special plan for the protection of the natural environment and the landscape.
- Management and obtaining of resources and aid to achieve this purpose.
- Local development to improve the living conditions of the population.
- Sustainable use of natural resources.
- Encourage and organize the exploitation and public, rational and sustainable use of the resources of said spaces and of economic and social activities.
- Promote environmental education, scientific research, dissemination and knowledge of the values of the environment and the regions.
The Consortium will carry out, to achieve its purposes, the following functions:
- Study, project and promote the necessary initiatives to promote the Sierra de Cardó-el Boix and Tossal de Montagut, the sustainable use of resources and the improvement of the living conditions of the rural population.
- Carry out studies, reports, analysis and proposals related to the planning, use and management of the territory and its natural resources.
- Provide the necessary advice and technical assistance to the local entities that are members of the Consortium.
- Ensure the conservation, defense and improvement of the cultural, historical, ecological, landscape and economic values of the Sierra de Cardó-el Boix and Tossal de Montagut, as well as take charge of the organization and promotion of their study and knowledge.
- Carry out, contract or supervise the works and actions promoted by the Consortium and that are carried out within the area of the Sierra de Cardó-el Boix and El Tossal de Montagut.
- Create a fund of information in your area of interest.
- Act as the representative body of the local entities of the Consortium in everything that refers to the natural area of the Sierra de Cardó-el Boix and the Tossal de Montagut.
- Promote the action and coordination of other public administrations in the field of natural areas and assume the powers that they may delegate to the Consortium.
- To appear, in agreement with the consortium municipalities, as an interested party in the processing of urban planning figures of all kinds that refer to the consortium spaces, where appropriate, and prior approval of the Plenary Council.
- Other functions that are necessary for the objectives of the Consortium.